What about salting apples...

by Stephanie
(Gardnerville NV USA)

I'm preparing an apple slaw tonight, I basically add a bunch of apples to steal the cabbages show!

I was never a huge fan of just plain coleslaw!

But my question is, do I need to salt the apple chunks along with the cabbage before putting my masterpiece all together?!

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Nov 18, 2016
Salting Apples for Coleslaw
by: Joseph

Hello Stephanie,
Thanks for asking a great question.

You don't really need to salt the apples for coleslaw. Apples don't have the high water content of cabbage. The salt will also make the apples salty.

If you'd like the apples to be a little drier, you can sprinkle them with some sugar. It works the same way as the salt does in removing moisture.

The apples will be sweeter. Remember to rinse the sugar off with water and dry the apples thoroughly.

Good cooking Stephanie. Hope everything comes out great!


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