Heat control

by Larry Black
(Shelby nc usa)

I have an Assassin Smoker; I've had it for years. I use a Barbecue Guru.
I have tried everything but cannot get my temperature under 400°; I even changed Gurus.

I have been smoking for years. Anything that I am overlooking?

Like I said, I've smoked in competitions I've catered, but I've never met this problem.

I cannot even use it, because I cannot get the temperature down. Tried everything I know.

Thanks, peace, and love.

Hi Larry,
Sorry to hear about the heat control issue with your Assasin Smoker.

Are you using a gravity-fed smoker?

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Jul 14, 2024
Gravity-Fed Smoker Temperature Control
by: Joseph

Hi Larry,
I'm sorry to hear about the heat control issue with your Assasin Smoker.

Are you using a gravity-fed smoker?

If so, the issue may be too much charcoal when lighting your smoker.
Gravity-fed smokers are well insulated, so bringing them up to temp is much easier than bringing them down.
Adding too much lit charcoal to the charcoal chute may raise the temperature rapidly, making it hard to bring it down.
If this is your issue, start with 1/3 to 1/2 chimney of lit charcoal, then fill the chute with unlit briquets. (Briquets work best in gravity-fed smokers.)

Another issue may be your dampers.

As you know, temperature control on most pits that burn wood and/or charcoal is controlled by the dampers, which regulate airflow and affect the temperature inside the cooking chamber.

Your intake damper may be opened too much, and the Barbecue Guru may push too much air into the smoker, causing the temperature to spike. Adjust the damper with the Guru running to see how this affects the temperature.

Let us know if you need help with something else, and we'll try to figure it out for you.

Please include the type of smoker you're using and the procedure you follow to bring it up to cooking temps.

Happy Cooking, Larry! Peace and love to you.


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