Visitors Barbecue Tips

We love getting visitors barbecue tips because we love talking to you. Got a fantastic barbecue tip you gotta let us in on? Maybe a great way to turn out some tasty barbecue or some newfangled device you love. Maybe it's something we've overlooked.

Whatever it is, let your brothers and sisters at in on it. Who knows, you may become famous!

Got a tip that would help us make some great barbecue?

Do you know something we don't know? Maybe a new technique or piece of equipment? Maybe and old way to do things we just forgot about? You can let us in on your wisdom here!

Note: One important thing about uploading images; the file size must be 1 MB or smaller. You can use your image editing software on your computer or this free online photo editor PicMonkey. Using PicMonkey is easy:

  • At the top middle of the page select open and select the image you want to upload. After you select your image you can use the tools on the left to edit the image if desired.
  • On the same menu bar where you found the open button, select the gear all the way to the right. Choose an image setting.
  • On the menu bar select save. Before you save you will see the file size right above the bar that says save to my computer. If it's too big, you can change the quality to make it smaller. Save the smaller image to your computer and upload this new image. That's it!

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