Do I have enough meat?

by Rick

I’m supplying the meat for a block party of about 60 people.

I have 32 lbs. uncooked brisket and 40 lbs. uncooked pork butt.

There will be plenty of sides as well.

Do I have enough meat?

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Sep 02, 2021
How Much Meat per Person for BBQ?
by: Joseph

Hi Rick,

It sounds like quite a party!

It's good to see neighbors coming together and enjoying some barbecue.

I commend you for accepting this mission.

You may have too much meat...

In culinary school, I was taught that a serving size for meat is 6 ounces. And that's what most restaurants serve. This is because the meat is served with sides and maybe an appetizer, soup, or salad.

In restaurants where the menu is centered around meat, the portions may be bigger, sometimes a lot bigger.

So, How Much Meat per Person for BBQ?

I suggest 8 ounces or half a pound per person; some adults will eat more, and children will eat less, so 8 ounces should work well.

So, for 60 guests, you'll need about 30 lbs.

To use less meat, serve appetizers or salads first.

In your case, you may want to serve the meat first and ask guests to take some home.

Thanks for your question, Rick.

Have fun at the block party and enjoy some excellent barbecue!


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